Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where Are The Princess Movies?

You Can't Just Get Any Princess Movie

Today was the first time I set out to buy all of the Disney princess movies so I could have them on hand to keep these discussions going. The last time I was a collector, they were still on VHS. With the invention of DVDs, and the ease of getting all things video, I thought for sure the marketing strategy used by Disney to keep their movies so classic was long gone.

There was a period of time when I had to have them all. Right around the time my set was complete, pending the next new movie, the DVD player was on the scene. Now my VHS movies are in a box in the garage and I don't have a converter. I open it from time to time and think, "wow look at all these movies," then I put the top back on. It is like my personal time capsule.

I decided the next princess movie I wanted to review would be - The Little Mermaid. That movie was no where to be found in any of the retail markets I visited today. Also, I could not find a "box set" which I thought existed. I eventually ended up at my local video store where I still could not find a complete set of the classics. When I asked about it, I was informed that Disney still takes certain movies "out of circulation" until they are re-released. How is that for control! I was shocked that major retailers are in on this. I am now wondering where is that magical warehouse that has all the movies and how does Disney know that every single one has been removed from every shelf?

Since I am a conspiracist (and I am making that word up, but you know what I mean),  I am now afraid of Disney for having that kind of power. Not only do they have the power to influence us into believing in fairy tales, but they even have control over what kind of princess story is on deck. They maintain a fresh influx of followers with this magical approach. By the time, "The Little Mermaid," comes back, there will be a new crop of children who will think it is brand new and will have an opportunity to see the movie in theaters just like I did when I was a child. I will be there as well because I will want to see it as an adult in all of its new technological advancement. Now that is the circle of life.

Does anybody have a full set?

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